Wednesday, August 02, 2006


An editorial with balls:

Control the hot air over
media control

.... And while we are at it, we should also
control if not outright ban all politicians
from giving speeches since most often
than not they are the ones who stir up
racial and reliogious emotions, as we
often see happen even in parliament.


  1. Anonymous11:57 pm

    But Bru, did Ho Kay Tat not called for the control of the Internet newspapers and blogs at the Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Media Conference in Putrajaya recently? Why the double-standard?

  2. Anonymous12:19 pm

    don't read too much into what the sun says. the sun is playing a double game. it's blowing in the wind.

  3. Anonymous3:54 pm

    It seems like the journalists at The Sun/The Edge do not practise what they preach. If Ho Kay Tat really did call for curbs on Internet sites then it's time we rethink The Sun as an alternative voice. It's very sad. Journalists should take all sides into consideration. They should not take sides.

  4. Anonymous5:32 pm

    Dear bro,
    As much as anyone would benefit from alternative voices in the country, it seems a bit churlish to assume the likes of the Sun to provide it. After all, the idea of the free press is often nothing more than hypocrisy - not only do we have governments and their institutions to contend with, but what about newspaper owners and their editors? With their own agendas? Its seems to me 'freedom of the press' is simply an often quoted joke for those either with access to the media or who owns the damn thing! The public should wake up and smell the roses!
