Sunday, August 13, 2006


The PM finally admits it...
SINGAPORE owns Pantai Holdings and that, he says, has become a PROBLEM!
Bernama filed the story at 7.03pm. Read it and then, bear with me, I'll tell you why I smell a RAT..

KEPALA BATAS, Aug 13 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the government was studying the necessary action to be taken pertaining to the disposal of a 31 per cent stake in Pantai Holdings Bhd to Singapore-based Parkway Holdings Ltd.
He said the matter was being looked into by the Treasury after realising that it had become a problem as it was related to the concession for the supply of hospital requirements.
"The share sale has become a problem, as it involves several matters related to the concession given to Pantai Holdings, that is a contract to supply hospital requirements," he told reporters ... here Sunday.
He said the government had always hoped that the equity would remain with Malaysians but unfortunately it had gone into the hands of foreigners.
"The concession has changed hands, and it has gone to other people and (we) hope it would remain with the Malaysian side, and held by Malaysian citizens," he said.
Asked the type of action which may be considered by the government, Abdullah who is also Finance Minister declined to elaborate.

and the smelly RAT?
The Finance Minister or the Finance Minister II, I believe, has known of the problem for quite sometime, way before the PM decared on tv last Monday that "there is no Malaysian company that is controlled by foreign companies".

Read yesterday's StarBiz cover story again: it said the Government had been approached by at least TWO local consortiums proposing to recover the concessions from the Singaporeans. These consortiums could not have been proposing to the newspaper, surely to the Government, and surely way before last Monday's tv interview.

Many weeks ago The Scribe blogged about a Khazanah bailout at Pantai, that it was going to pay a lot more for the shares that Parkway bought from Pantai (which was RM2.10 per share or thereabout). The StarBiz story was also peppered with hints made by the Singaporean owner of Pantai about "the right price".

If Khazanah comes into the picture, that means taxpayers will be asked again to pay for the government's blunders that led to Medivest and Fomema falling into foreign hands. The Finance Ministry, the Bursa and the Securities Commission will have questions to answer.

One BIG question is: Who will Khazanah sell Fomema and Medivest to?

The people will be watching, PM, and they'll be watching closely. Don't let the boys screw this one up, too.


  1. Anonymous10:27 pm

    If there's going to be buyback of Fomema and Pantai Medivest by a government-linked company or Khazanah Nasional, the price should not be more than what Parkway paid for the two components.
    The buy-back talks are months old now. I suspect that they died down because KJ was said to be involved. Then there were mentions of Azim Zabidi, Umno Treasurer.
    But they hit the woodwork when it become known that they were offering as much as RM400 million for Fomema alone.
    I smell RAT. Parkway paid RM312 million for 30-per cent controlling stake. They can pay RM400 million or more. After that ask Pak Lah for more contracts. In the final analysis we the consumers end up paying.
    Who's to blame? Finance Ministry, SC, Bank Negara and FIC are all involved as this is a cross border deal. They are all under Finance Ministry, hence PM is the final authority.
    But who fumbled? Head must roll like in Bank Negara Forex losses, BMF scandal and Perwaja.
    PM cannot now say he does not know. He cannot just admit his oversight and not do anything. Time to reconsider his dependence on those sacred cows on the 4th Floor of JPM complex, at Jalan Riong, the GLCs and Khazanah Nasional, Bina Fikir and his own household. They bungled big time.
    Pak Lah, niat ikhlas must be followed by tindakan bernas!

  2. Anonymous10:31 pm

    Abng Rocky, what do you think of this article?...Kami di BH tak faham apa benda dia tulis. Nak hentam mesti ada point lah. Bukan tak boleh hentam....tapi jangan merewang-rewang. Bandingkan tulisan U dengan AKJ, even Kali and Brendan or Syed Nazri or Zainul Arifin. Macam mana U boleh jadi wartawan, apatah lagi GEIC..kami pun tak tau lah...Kalu Kali baca, dia pun malu kut. Bukan pasal kami marah dia hentam Dr M. tapi dia hentam kosong takde peluru...jadi macam budak-budak pulak dah. Ingat hati nak tunjuk sokong, tapi tak ada kesan sikit pun. Kau merosakkan nama Pak Lah je.
    Kaca Mata: Dr M tak mampu lagi nafi kebenaran
    Bersama Hishamuddin Aun

    DARI hari ke hari, semakin banyak yang diperkatakan perihal Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sejak bekas Perdana Menteri itu memilih untuk turun padang menerusi apa yang ingin digambarkannya sebagai 'perjuangan menyelamatkan negara dan Umno'.

    Paling rancak ialah khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) yang bertukar tangan hingga adakalanya sukar untuk membezakan di antara satira dan kebenaran selain cerita bualan yang dijaja daripada sekecil-kecil pertemuan hingga sebesar-besar keramaian.

    Barangkali ia cuma rekaan apabila ada yang menggambarkan Dr Mahathir, ketika masih memimpin kerajaan, amat bertertib dan begitu teliti dengan adab sekalipun dalam berseloroh.

    Sekonyong-konyongnya pernah beliau, ketika menghadiri satu majlis makan malam bersama isteri, mengusik mereka yang duduk semeja dengannya melalui satu gurauan sambil mengekalkan wajah selamba.

    Mereka yang faham dengan ketertiban Dr Mahathir hanya melemparkan senyuman sinis atau sekadar ketawa kecil tetapi dikhabarkan ketika itu, seorang yang duduk berdekatan dengannya ketawa terbahak-bahak sambil menepuk bahu beliau.

    Tidak cukup dengan itu, orang kenamaan berkenaan pula berasakan gilirannya menyusul untuk berkongsi senda-gurau ? satu tanggapan yang barangkali tidak silap jika didasarkan kepada sesuatu yang dimulakan tetamu kehormat pada malam itu.

    Ya, sejurus kemudian, Dr Mahathir dan isteri diuar-uarkan bergegas meninggalkan majlis atas alasan keletihan dan khabarnya orang kenamaan berkenaan jarang lagi diundang menghadiri majlis yang memungkinkan mereka bertemu.

    Semua orang tahu stamina yang dimiliki beliau. Dr Mahathir bukanlah seorang yang mudah dipenatkan oleh jadual kerja yang sarat tetapi beliau mudah 'letih' oleh sikap atau perbuatan mereka yang dirasakan 'berlebihan' terhadapnya.

    Turut dibualkan, Dr Mahathir selepas persaraannya, bercadang untuk mengharungi percutian di London dan seperti lazimnya memilih rumah milik kerajaan di ibu kota United Kingdom itu sebagai tempat penginapan berbanding di hotel.

    Barangkali bukan pun niat kerajaan untuk membelakangkannya sesudah bergelaran mantan Perdana Menteri apabila permintaannya dipanjangkan. Cuma pada waktu itu, tempahan untuk kediaman yang sama sudah disahkan berbulan lebih awal khusus untuk seorang pembesar negeri.

    Umum boleh menelah bagaimana reaksi Dr Mahathir ketika itu yang seharusnya tidak pun berbeza dengan kebanyakan mereka yang seusia, seangkatan dan sewaktu dengannya.

    Mungkin juga bualan berkaitan kedua-dua peristiwa berkenaan sekadar ciptaan untuk merancakkan lagi sembang-sembang antara sekumpulan kawan yang kemudian meniti dari bibir ke bibir untuk dipercayai sebagai sesuatu yang benar.

    Atau berkemungkinan juga ia antara rentetan kisah kecil yang lama-kelamaan berganda saiznya untuk dibicarakan pada ketika Dr Mahathir sendiri kini tidak membeza-bezakan kecil atau besarnya 'lawan' untuk dijadikan sasaran.

    Namun, dari hari ke hari juga, Dr Mahathir sendiri dalam memenuhi undangan di sana-sini, semakin mendedahkan dirinya tidak pun berbeza daripada apa yang pernah dibual atau diceritakan berkaitan dengannya. Cuma kali ini, tiada lagi adab dan ketertiban diutamakan.

    Malah, semakin hari semakin kerap juga Dr Mahathir menyanggahi kenyataannya sendiri dengan berlapikkan susunan kata yang mempersendakan agar ia boleh ditafsir dengan cara berlawanan.

    Namun, dari saat beliau menuduh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, sebagai mengkhianati kepercayaannya, ditikam dari belakang di samping Pak Lah adalah pilihannya yang silap ? semua itu pada 8 Jun lalu ? tiada dalih lagi yang dapat menutup hasrat sebenar Dr Mahathir.

    Tapi bukankah itu Dr Mahathir, seorang yang tidak pernah takut untuk menyelar sesiapa saja daripada Margaret Thatcher, Paul Keating dan George Bush sebagai menamakan antara pemimpin besar, apatah lagi mereka yang dirasakannya terhutang budi kepadanya.

    Merenung ke belakang, harus tidak silap untuk Dr Mahathir digelar ?keras kepala? kerana memang tidak mudah untuk beliau menerima pandangannya disanggah. Untuk menegur Dr Mahathir harus amat bertertib dan untuk memberi pandangan berbeza, harus dengan cara paling beradab.

    Beliau bukan jenis yang boleh menerima sesuatu yang berlawanan dengan sikap dan pendiriannya secara berdiam diri sekalipun beliau lebih menyukai orang lain membisu seribu bahasa daripada berkata-kata sesuatu yang tidak suka didengarnya.

    Apatah lagi Dr Mahathir kini yang marah dan merajuk. Harus tiada had terhadap apa yang ingin diperkatakannya kerana daripada empat soalan pokok yang asal diutarakannya, ia kini sudah berganda dalam bentuk pelbagai soalan tambahan.

    Beliau juga memiliki deretan kelebihan sebagai perisai. Bukanlah beliau tidak sedar jasa dan khidmat bakti yang ditaburnya selama 22 tahun sebagai Perdana Menteri, memagarinya daripada diterjah dengan serangan berbentuk peribadi atau kesilapan masa lalunya ditelanjangi.

    Dalam pada itu, tidak mungkin boleh dibuat perbandingan yang adil di antara kepemimpinannya selama dua dekad dengan pengganti yang baru menghampiri tiga tahun memegang teraju kuasa.

    Kepetahannya berhujah yang diselangi dengan kisah-kisah menambat perasaan ? terbaru disembur dengan bahan menyesakkan nafas dan memedihkan mata dalam kunjungannya ke Kota Bharu ? berupaya mengalihkan simpati sebilangan terhadapnya.

    Di sebalik semua itu juga, Dr Mahathir harus sedar kocakan yang ditimbulkannya terhadap Umno menimbulkan sedikit keghairahan untuk pidatonya didengar sekalipun ia belum boleh diterjemahkan sebagai sokongan terhadapnya.

    Harus tidak silap juga untuk mengandaikan beliau lebih menghajati sikap membisu ramai terhadap apa yang diperkatakannya kerana akan sentiasa ada segolongan yang beranggapan berdiam diri itu suatu pengakuan.

    Tetapi kini gambaran itu sudah berubah, dimulai dengan temu bual khas Abdullah melalui TV3 malam Isnin lalu untuk menjawab pelbagai persoalan yang harus menjadi isyarat bahawa serangan dan keraguan yang ditimbulkan Dr Mahathir terhadapnya, parti dan kerajaan tidak lagi harus didiamkan.

    Di sebalik Dr Mahathir sendiri menegaskan kritikan kerasnya terhadap Abdullah dan kerajaan bukan petanda wujudnya perebutan kuasa dalam Umno atau berlaku krisis peribadi dengan Perdana Menteri, sudah semakin jelas kini kenyataannya harus ditafsir berlawanan.

    Tiada jawapan sejauh ini yang dapat memuaskan hati beliau, tiada huraian yang dianggap Dr Mahathir dapat memperjelaskan keadaan di samping tiada petanda beliau akan berhenti daripada mengeruhkan lagi keadaan.

    Bukankah beliau sendiri yang menyatakan beliau hanyalah minoriti bersendirian?

    Harus tiada halangan sebenarnya untuk Dr Mahathir dijawab dengan cara paling lantang pada ketika serangannya kini terarah untuk menjatuhkan Abdullah sambil mahukan Umno berpecah-belah dan porak-peranda.

    Usah hairan jika Dr Mahathir akan menafikannya kerana sepanjang 22 tahun memegang tampuk kuasa, bukan sedikit penafian yang sudah dilakukannya.

    Anak Lima

  3. Anonymous11:04 pm

    Why Khazanah bail out? I thought these 2 concessions according to Anita Gabriel story, are doing well and making quite good money?

    So why bail out by Khazanah? Can any corporate savvy gurus enlighten?

    Bail out who?

  4. thank you, Confused.
    perhaps you are right, bailout is not the best word. but for me it conveys the right message. the pm himself has admitted that there was mistake/blunder along the way in parkway acquisition of pantai. it's a costly blunder. the government has no choice but to buy back medivest and fomema (because they are essential+nationally-sensitive industries). you and i, the taxpayers, will be paying for that blunder, not khazanah. you and i will be bailing out the pm, the finance ministry, bursa, fic, bnm, the bursa for this blunder.
    in the end, the ones definitely making a killing out of this debacle are the two singaporean shareholders (parkway and lee kuan yew's gic), and their american and jewish partners.

  5. Anonymous11:28 pm

    Parkway bought the controlling block for RM312million for September 2005.
    The market price then was RM1.63. (And more importantly, Pantai shares never exceeded RM1.00 few months before Parkway bought over)

    Is there a conspiracy that Parkway got screwed and now they calling for bailout?

    Who screwed them?

    But why are we (Khazanah) bailing out foreigner if that is the case? Strange!

    Added with that Anita story in the Star that Parkway has been appointed as the consultant for the setting up of a mega medical hub in Pak Lah's South Johor Corridor. THIS IS FISHY AND SMELLY

    Looks like can of worms.

  6. anak lima, terimakasih kerana menyogok saya dengan artikel tu. kalau hishamuddin aun seorang ahli politik, lagaknya pasti macam nazri aziz. dan saya rasa kalau nazri seorang wartawan, dia akan berfikir dan menulis macam hishamuddin aun.
    (tapi kalau kita tanya hisham, dia tentu kata dia meluat dengan nazri. dan u cubalah tanya nazri, dia mesti muak baca artikel yang you paksa i baca tu ...)

  7. Anonymous11:39 pm


    I think the seller is also making a killing by selling at inflated price to the singaporean and jews.

    Corporate News: Who gains most from Pantai deal
    By Malar Velaigam

    "Last week’s most talked about deal was probably Singaporean healthcare company Parkway Holdings Ltd’s acquisition of a 31% stake in Pantai HoldingsBhd for a total consideration of RM312 million.

    The deal was regarded as favourable to both the buyer and the seller, Datuk Lim Tong Yong.

    In 2001, Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir announced his withdrawal from the corporate world and in the process, sold off his majority stake in Pantai to Lim, the chairman of the listed soap company, Paos Holdings.
    Lim acquired the entire 32.9% stake in Pantai for RM59.6 million"

    Could it be these singaporean and jews are asking the seller to buy back since this deal screwed up.

    And that seller asking Khazanah to tolong to bail out?

    Make sense?

  8. Anonymous12:20 am


    You mean we have to change lifestyle again ah? Nothing much left to change. Blardy hell we are screwed.

  9. Anonymous12:33 am

    Why do Malaysian parties need to buy back the concessions? Parkway has violated the terms of the concessions by exceeding the foreign ownership allowable. In fact, they have also not complied with the bumi quota. So why not just terminate the concession to Pantai and award them to qualified local parties? No need to pay anything, what...

  10. Anonymous12:42 am

    apa salahnya.....and this continues...

    OMG, i hope that by the time i have kids--through some fertility treatments at this "bloody" hospital,sorry rocky for this word--the blunders will stop and the advisors will be sacked....

  11. Anonymous6:15 am

    Anak Lima,

    Hisham Aun adalah pilihan yang salah sejak awal lagi.
    Dia legasi dua Dollah. Bermula sbg jurutaip dan pengiring Dollah Kok Lanas, dia disahkan dalam jawatan oleh Dollah Badawi atas perakuan Kali.
    Dia dilantik kerana kelemahannya. Wartawan sukan terbaik belum tentu boleh menjadi GEIC yang baik. Tetapi selepas Kok Lanas dan Kali, pemberita sambilan pun ada can jadi GEIC NSTP.
    Sudah tiada klas dan sudah tiada wibawa. Jadi puji dan sanjung sajalah sebab substance kurang.
    Soalnya apa akan jadi kepada BH dan NST pada jangka panjang? Harapan pudar.

  12. Anonymous6:32 am

    Sdr Rocky,

    Please read "While Reagan Slept" by Art Buchwald. An old book, but still valid.

  13. Anonymous8:59 am

    I am certain that the concession agreement would have a termination clause whereby if the ownership of the concession company changes to a substantial level ,then govt will have the right to terminate.This is typical of most privatisation projects.

  14. Anonymous9:00 am

    I really don't understand the wishy washyness of this PM. As a Minah Rakyat I am confused when the Leader of my country, first say nothing is wrong on national TV and then later turn around and say something IS wrong.
    Minah Rakyat used to worry about paying bills, traffic jam, what to cook for dinner etc. Now I have to add another worry - I worry about my country being in the hands of a Leader who dont seem to know much, and when he finally does it seems to be too late. Honest to God, I am having sleepless nights thinking about the sovereignity of Malaysia. This is worrying isnt it? I dont want to wake up one day and find I am under the rule of another country...

  15. Anonymous9:35 am

    hari ini, the sun turut melaporkan Golden Arches Sdn Bhd, pemegang lesen francais di Malaysia telah 100% dikuasai oleh McDonald Corporation USA sejak februari lepas. Pemegang saham tempatan sebelum ini ialah Tan Sri Vincent Tan dan Mohamed Shah Abdul Kadir.

    Maknanya, semua rakyat malaysia yg makan McDonald, keuntungan diambil oleh McDonald kecuali sebahagian kecil tax dan peluang perkejaan utk rakyat tempatan.

  16. Anonymous10:13 am

    I totally agree with anonymous who says that, as a minah rakyat, we have another worry to think abt.

    I am also a minah rakyat and, like you, worry that because of the
    folly of our leaders, we might wake up one day to find ourselves being ruled by a foreign power. Nauzubillah!

    At the rate the country is being ruled by a clueless PM and a bunch of YES MEN this scenarios is not impossible!


  17. Anonymous10:36 am

    Takan negara bodoh macam ini. kalau undang-undang tidak dipatuhi, maka sesiapa yang terlibat kena di hukum sajalah mengikut peraturan.

    Ni bukan, dengan khabar Khazanah nak bail out? Bail out orang singapork, orang yahudi? Dah gilakah?

    Tu lah orang kata melayu bodoh.

    taulah sekarang mengapa blog in panjang lebar sehingga bab 8. bro Rocky nak mencecah rekod Khairy chronicles keh sampai bab 33?

  18. Anonymous11:00 am

    If Khairy Jamaluddin, the number one SIL lost money in the ECM Libra Avenue deal, I would like to make the following conclusions:-

    1. He has been misled by the ECM Libra Avenue trio;

    2. He has been misled by the unknown/unidentified people who gave him the RM9-million loan;

    3.He is a victim of directionless Bursa Malaysia in the FIL's era;

    4. He may have to seek another "loan" to make up the shortfall in the proceeds from ECM Libra Avenue sales;

    5. ECM Libra Avenue may be another Malaysian company to fall into foreign hands; and

    6. KJ's mysterious RM9-million borrowing may fall within the ambit of Anti Money Laundering Act.

    But if this is a friendly "atas asas kasih sayang" deal, KJ may still make money even if he sold at a lower price bacause in this kind of arrangement, it is friendship and goodwill that matter not money.

    Can NSTP GEIC spin this one for our benefit? If he understands market operation, that is.

  19. Anonymous11:47 am

    aah, questions to answer

    1. on hishammuddin aun: enough analysis about him because we all should know by now that he was made GEIC because he is not clever. Biarkan dia dan isteri buat duit, biar depa happy depa takkan jadi problem to Kali.

    2. On waking up one day to find we are under a foreign rule : not a conspiracy theory. a reality, sooner than we expect. because (on to number 3)

    3. the PM is not surrounded by Yes Man. as opposed to Kalimula surrounded by yes men. It is not the the PM says "we do this" and his men say "YES". They are influencing him to say "YES". Get it? This is only logical judging by the PM's interview with Annuar Zaini, what he said and what was, has been and is happening.
    These are dangerous people surrounding the PM because they are making him look either stupid, ignorant or dangerously stupid or dangerously ignorant.

    4. And SIL (aka KJ)is not stupid. He is not a victim. He is just greedy and wreckless, maybe.

    And let me give my 2 sen's worth why it is my view that SIL is not fit to be a leader:

    a. he is greedy. So young and so greedy. for power, position and for money.

    b. he abuses his relations with his FIL.

    c. he has not shown us anything by way of contributions, struggle, and experience as a leader. Being a graduate of oxford, cambridge yada yada yada is not your GOD given right to be a national political leader.

    d. he is an unfaithful husband and publicly lied about it.

  20. Hiya Rocky...

    May i offer my humble self to buy out Parkway and its subsidiaries? Consider it national servicelah!! If it goes down the drain, i can simply sue the govt for a few gazillions of moolahs..
    And as to how i am planning to finance it, i will certainly follow the precedent set by an infamous investment banker who 'pinjam dari pihak yang menjualnya'..

  21. Anonymous12:30 pm

    alah, abang rocky,

    malu lah -- wartawan BH (hishamudin aun) tak boleh tulis dalam bahasa kewartawanan melayu. kalau kita anggap tulisan beliau penuh dengan "verbosity" bukan "elegance" yang mengkelabukan bahasa, makna, message --- apa lagi orang lain. macam mana orang nak faham bahasa macam tu. make it simple and powerful -- lah. kalau beliau sukar buat macam tu, susah --lah. GEIC pulak ni. mak datuk. jahanam lah kita nanti.
    it boils down to bad writing. macam nana nak deliver the message kalau tulisan tak ada clarity. shocking. Malu lah kita ni.
    he should learn from khalid mohamed, kadir jasin, johan jaafar.....
    in fact, tak payah tengok tinggi, lihat dalan newsroom sendiri, he should learn from his OWN BH reporters how to write...

  22. Anonymous5:25 pm

    Found this while googling.

    Look at the smelly rat in this report.

    This JP Morgan report dated back in 20 Setember 2005 at the time when Pantai shares was RM1.74 and targetted Pantai price to reach RM2.50.

    It value Medivest at RM211 million and Fomema at RM832 million. This is interesting and really fishy. Page 3 and 7 of this report state that the target price has been based on valuation of the 2 concessions on a RENEWED basis.

    Why on earth is the issue of RENEWAL of concessions period assumed in the report? EPU, or MOF, Can shed some light.?

    The Star reported that the concessions don't expire till 2012, so why the need to extend and WHY give value to a company that is now controlled by foreigners?

    Or this is just to "goreng" Pantai shares for taxi drivers, burger sellers and pasar malam traders to jump in. Bursa Saham, over to you.

    Had those "savvy shareholders" (words borrowed from Anita report in Star) like Fidelity International and Singapore GIC bought Pantai shares based on this JP Morgan report?

    Layman mathematics don't work here. Parkway bought the controlling blocks of Pantai which has all the hospital (7) and 2 concessions for only RM312 million. And in that Star report, they indicate the selling price just for this 2 concessions alone for RM300 to RM500 million.

    Simply Fishy.

    Some savvy analyst can please comment.

  23. Anonymous7:33 pm

    Kepada Wanita BH dan seorang dua lagi yang memberi komen terhadap Hishamudin Aun,

    I nak kata thank u pada U all kerana melaporkan tulisan Hisham GEIC yang menulis tentang Tun M Ahad lalu. Kalau U all tak sebut fasal tu, I mungkin miss apa yang dia tulis. Sorilah, I tak baca column dia. Dulu I cuba ikut juga, tapi tak ada benda baru yang dapat dimanfaatkan. Jadi bila U all sebut fasal artikel dia kali ni, I cuba2lah baca. Alamak! Apa yang dia cuba nak sampaikan? I rasa dia tak macam Dato Kali yang berani dan Brendan yang dua kali lebih berani dari semua pengarang Melayu di BH! Hisham ni, kata kawan2 yang bertugas di BH, tak pernah menulis tentang politik atau isu yang serious. Malah, dia juga tak ada pengalaman membuat liputan politik tanahair dan jauh lagi perkembangan bisnis. Oleh yang demikian, memanglah tulisannya hambar atau tak menarik. U all tak patut kecam dia! Kalau U all tak suka tulisan dia, U all bagi tau dia depan2, jangan cakap belakang2! Tak baik!

    Kih kih kih! Hisham kata Tun M nak jatuhkan PM! Tak patut Hisham kata begitu kerana PM mendapat mandat besar dari rakyat, dan Tun M tak ada kuasa nak menjatuhkan PM! Sapa bagi Tun M kuasa nak jatuhkan PM? Dalam sejarah Umno dan negara, belum ada lagi Ahli parti yg tak ada kuasa dapat menjatuhkan pemimpin tertinggi! Tun M bukan Ketua Bahagian, bukan duduk dalam mana2 Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Negeri dan tidak pula dilantik ke Majlis Kerja Tertinggi Umno! Jadi, macam mana Hisham buat kesimpulan Tun M nak jatuhkan PM? Kih kih kih! Mungkin itulah sebab U all mengkritik tulisan dia.

    Tak patut! Tak patut! Sebenarnya, Dengan cara tak sengaja Hisham memuji Tun M dan menyoal kebolehan Pak Lah mempertahankan kedudukannya sebagai PM. Hisham seolah2 ragu terhadap keyakinan Pak Lah menangkis hujah Tun M. Dan sekaligus cuba memaparkan bahawa Tun M, walaupun bertindak tanpa jentera, mampu menggugat kedudukan Pak Lah. Ini tak kena. Orang politik yang membaca artikel ini akan menyoal motif sebenar Hisham menulis - apa sebenarnya mesej yang nak disampaikan? Kalau dia nak sokong Pak Lah, dia tak patut bagi gambaran Pak Lah tergugat dengan kenyataan dan tindak tanduk Tun M. Kalau nak hentam Tun M, dia kata bekas PM ni hebat dan berani menentang satu dunia demi negara dan bangsanya! I harap Hisham jangan pula merasa yang artikelnya begitu hebat kerana dikupas panjang lebar. Saya cuba nak bagi perspektif kepada mereka yang merasa kebuntuan hasil artikel itu.

    Mungkin apa yang anak buahnya sebut bila minum the di gerai di Menara Mutiara Bangsar ada kebenarannya - beliau patut fokus kepada bisnesnya. Elok dia belajar selok belok bisnis jadi bila jumpa Menteri nak minta kontrak, dia tak merasa kosong. Tak ada apa yang nak malu bila minta kontrak kerana dia perlu sokong Datinnya yang ke sana kemari menjaja nama Hisham!

  24. Lovely comments guys ....

    I would like to summarise it as the country needs a proper Finance Minister who knows Finance.

    YAB Abdullah Ahmad badawi said clearly each Ministers should have own expertise. So Pak Lah, by the look of your expertise, I reckon you should stick to reading doa for Perhimpunan Agong UMNO.

  25. Anonymous9:19 am


    You notice that the PM news on the problem Singaporean owns Pantai is conspiciously missing in the Star newspaper (14 August 2006) although NST, BH & Utusan carry it.

    Seems suspicious on Star motive because just 2 days ago on Saturday (12 August 2006), Star give a centrefold coverage in its Bisweek section.

    Perhaps this is smelly too

  26. Anonymous10:22 am

    Pak Lah lost track of what going on in the Gov.He acted like a houseman(newly grad dr apperentice) for good 15 months under close supervision by TDM.When the Baton was passed to him ,he slept for another 3 years(almost 3x the period of his internship!!} before he woke up.In the mean while all the rats had a go on many assets.
    Oh Yes ,I have forgotten,while in the state of grogginess he spent RM250 million to bring boat racing to Pulau Duyng that brought little benefit to people of pulau duyung xcept for close KJ friends.
    He has woken up again and this time he is going to spend more....

  27. Anonymous3:54 pm

    You think the current administration will take action. It was mentioned in the Star news, one of the savvy foreign shareholder is GSIC, whose chairman is Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

    Singaporean saying : Don't pray pray!

    Looks like bail out easier solution. We have a lot of funds now as the PM informed us recently. Oxford dictionary says "bail out" is also an action.

    Anyway, just sit back, relax and watch the show, give the PM a benefit of doubt Lah

  28. Anonymous6:20 pm

    saudara(saudari) kamar,

    ribuan terima kasih atas kepintaran saudara menterjemahkan artikel hishamudin aun yang penuh dengan bahasa berserabut.
    baru lah saya faham makna, dan intisari artikel beliau.
    kesimpulan saya ialah, mungkin itu cara dan gaya penulis2 sukan kita.
    memang nyata lah hishamudin mempunyai kelemahan dalam meng-articulate-kan pendapat beliau dalam bahasa yang sweet and simple. mungkin beliau salah faham -- bahasa yang indah bukan bermakna bahasa itu penuh dengan perkataan2 yang blur dan tidak penting... accessories yang tidak berguna. waah.... beliau ingin jadi pendekar bahasa, kot?

    sekalilagi, terima kasih.... baru lah saya faham.....

  29. Anonymous6:30 pm

    nobody but nobody ever thought that Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi could ever be that exploitable and manipulatable. when he took the baton from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, he seemed the logical choice. A nice man. Perhaps he'd make a good leader.
    Dr Mahathir too never expected his successor to be such a disappointing failure. More disappointing for the old man was the sight of Pak Lah being manipulated, being used.
    Before Pak Lah could even warm his seat as Prime Minister, swarms of vulture surrounded him. Their names you would already know.
    THEY have made our prime minister the bumbling man that he is now. I seriously think our prime minister never knew what hit him.
    How can he explain his remarks in his interview with his close friend annuar zaini. with all these friends that pak lah has, he certainly does not need any enemies. they are doing such a good job at making him look so ( i cant say the word. but it begins with s and ends with d)
    dear God us all....

  30. Anonymous6:32 pm

    Dear all,
    Thanks for the ongoing discussion. Its all very interesting. I'm sure lots of the bloggers have mentioned this before, but if you can forgive my ignorance, there's an element in all of this which I find desperately disturbing.
    All of us recognise the inanity of what the present admin, esp. the PM,has been saying, but what has been worrying is the fact that either a) the most influential advisors to the govt. are incompetent or b) there has been a systematic attempt to disenfranchise the current administration by their closest and dearest. Why? perhaps the reason is over and above local politics and would the administration is the pawn in a far more elaborate game of chess. If unattended to the kind of distabilisation that can result from this is not so far removed from the kind of political gerrymandering encountered at other times in our history (as well as the histories of other parts of the developing world). We have to counsel some measure of vigilance in order to retain some form of control over what's going on.

  31. Anonymous5:14 pm

    This is not a posting.
    Only a start Majulah Singapura bab 10. After tomorrow, it will be clear if Khazanah will buy Pantai.The big issue is the you can see from Pantai's share on Bursa over the last week, big volumes are transacted at around 2.50. If Khazanah does buy Pantai, its going to be much above the cost to Parkway, which is 2.45. Guess Parkway will laugh its way to the bank! Another bail-out....for the FIC, Bursa, MOF and other regulatory authorities who allowed the Parkway purchase in the first place one year ago.
